1. Nelson Wilians Fratoni Rodrigues
  2. CEO and Founding Partner

Nelson Wilians Fratoni Rodrigues is from Cianorte-PR, from a family of small farmers. Graduated in Law thanks to his talent and a lot of dedication to his studies. Today, he is one of most famous and respected lawyer in Brazil.

Before becoming the CEO of the largest law firm in Latin America, the NWADV – Nelson Wilians Advogados, Nelson made History with a lot of effort and dedication. He started his career at a very young age in the city of Bauru. He established in the region, working during the day at human resources department at Santa Casa de Misericórdia hospital, and going to school at night.

By establishing good relationships in the companies where he worked, he soon learned their importance, being referred by former bosses to new opportunities. Still in Bauru, he began to take on legal duties, shaping himself as a multitasking professional. After passing the Bar Exam, Nelson was determined to work as attorney. With good partnerships, the young man began to build his empire, and so much so that Bauru was not big enough.

In 1999, he established the NWADV’s main office in the city of São Paulo. In 2003, he opened a larger main office near Marginal Pinheiros. The period of 2004-2010 was marked by exponential and continuous growth: firm’s offices are opened in all Brazilian capitals. In 2014, he transferred the main office to a modern, spacious and sophisticated headquarters located at CENU, Centro Empresarial Nações Unidas, in the district of Brooklyn.

Nelson Wilians’ entrepreneurial spirit makes him a representative of the national legal segment. On a daily basis, he publishes inspiring posts aimed at young law students and lawyers from all areas, highlighting the innumerable possibilities of the professional practice.


Bachelor of Law at Instituição Toledo de Ensino - ITE

Awards and Recognitions

Cidadão Paulistano (recognition to the contribution of people born in other cities, but who develop significant work and actions for the capital of São Paulo) Honorary Citizen of the State of Minas Gerais Cidadão Bauruense (honorary citizen title) Medal of the 55th Legislature - Rio Grande do Sul Award of Recognition from the City Council of Rio de Janeiro

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(Português) Atendemos toda e qualquer demanda de natureza jurídico empresarial

Areas of expertise  

(Português) Presença física em todos os estados brasileiros e atuação internacional
